Veteran’s Day

Veteran’s Day.

And it’s time for all of us who’ve ever served to change our Facebook profile pictures, and soak up the likes. The appreciation.

Thank You for Your Service.

No, Thank You for Your Support. Thank You for thinking of veterans. Thank you for helping the young men and women who come back broken from the front lines. thank you for your support, don’t worry about me, i play a small role in a grand scheme.

I’m not much for either blind obedience or blind praise. People have a right to not stand for the anthem. They have a right to opt out of the Pledge of Allegiance. They have a right to assemble, express themselves and work for change, regardless of whether I agree with it or not.

Thank you for your service? I’m not one to tout my veteran cred; I’m not an Angry Facebook Veteran, and I never will be.

What I will be is thankful.

So here it is: joining the Navy was the best decision I ever made. Even I don’t stay in, even if I hate certain commands or work environments, even if I write smartass posts to keep myself sane, the Navy has given me the tools I need to succeed.

Thank you for your service.

Thank you for your support.

Be there for those who need it, and look out for each other.

Il y a 10 ans

I was a French major in college, and people often asked me What are you going to do with that?, a question that’s rhetorical for Humanities majors and one we ignore for as long as possible.

I sometimes answered with “Speak French”, but that didn’t apply to everyone. If the lack of any meaningful French-speaking environment didn’t pose enough of a challenge, there was always someone willing to make you feel like shit because you didn’t speak like a native after a few years of study. I knew a lecturer who was notorious for doing this; he made fun of his students’ French. He considered himself above teaching introductory classes, destined for great things, and eventually he could no longer reconcile his infantile narcissism with the struggling life of an adjunct lecturer. He applied to business school at the last minute and works for a company in France today. In the States, he’d just be another worker bee, but of course in France he’s somehow a “special” worker bee, living not the life of yet another wage slave, but une aventure formidable.

But even without those people, every French major knows the following experience: studying French for several years, and then going to France, and realizing you can’t follow a fucking word. Simply put, it takes balls to bring your foreign language out of the classroom laboratory, and if someone does that, don’t they deserve encouragement rather than ridicule?

Of course, buried under all this were some legitimate complaints. Take my senior capstone class for instance, full of French majors who couldn’t speak a word of French. They read the English translations of the assigned readings and on the whole we just sat there with our professor, whose enthusiasm diminished and frustration built to the point where she played The Beatles’ All You Need is Love for the class in an attempt to get us talking, at least in English. But no one took the bait. Everyone sat there quietly and her passion for teaching breathed its last.

Another, equally rhetorical question comes after you graduate: why did you major in French? People often ask that question with a kind of incredulity. Out of all the majors you could pick, you chose…that one?

Why’d I do it? Because it challenged me. My high school didn’t prepare you for college. Like any good public school, it prepared you for life in the working world. I was raised to see going to college as something prestigious, but while colleges pretend to have standards, the truth is they’ll admit just about anyone who applies, only to have them weeded out later.

As a general rule, if they tell you upfront that an endeavor is “what you make of it”, run for your fucking life. You’re better off going to a vocational school and learning some tangible skills than taking on mounds of debt for a degree that (supposedly) qualifies you to speak a foreign language no one outside campus can understand.

High school replenishes the servant class. None of us were prepared for college-level work, and I made a D on my first college French test. My high school French teacher wasn’t much help. The woman didn’t really speak French so much as she spoke of French: it’s much harder than Spanish, it’s the most difficult Romance language to learn. A bully who openly played favorites with her students, she spent the twilight of her career teaching only English Lit, French removed as an elective due to lack of interest.

I took the “D” as a challenge to get better, and five years later, the first question forced me to give an answer. So I did.

I was going to France to teach English.

The Assistant d’anglais program was not only going to save me from the working world, but several other French majors too. We prepared our applications, all our documents, gathered our reference letters and sent everything to the French Embassy in DC, with the assurance from our professors that everyone gets in.

I was certainly confident. March, 2008, I told friends in family that I was going to France. I had Lille at the top of my list, followed by Caen and Rouen. My plan became clear: I was going to spend two years teaching English in France. After that, I was going to do my Master’s and PhD in French Linguistics at a university in France, before returning to the States to seek a tenure-track position. I would have finished my Doctorate before my current age (32), and would spend the rest of my life climbing the academic ranks in a cushy job doing what I loved.

About a month after sending in my application, I realized I’d forgotten to include a passport photo. I emailed the woman at the embassy about it, asking if I could send my photo separately. Here’s a highlight of her encouraging response:

First of all, you needed to include THREE passport-sized photographs… the instructions on page 1 of the application explicitly say to staple a passport-sized photo to each application…

No, you cannot send the pictures serarately, there are simply too many applications coming in, it would be an impossible task to attempt to find your application and match it up with the missing photos.

She did show mercy, and emailed me the next day, telling me to send in the photos. I rushed them out and waited, assured by people who’d done the program in the past that everyone gets accepted.

Then May came. Two girls in my capstone class received their acceptances via email. I remember checking the teaching program forums and receiving a heap of conflicting information. Either…

a) All acceptances have already gone out


b) Some acceptances now, some later, so if you haven’t received yours yet, don’t panic.

I chose b, panicking more, and I eventually emailed the woman at the French Embassy, who informed me in an unsigned email that all acceptances had been sent out. The email a few days later confirmed it: France was out. And here I was, a week from graduating, no plan.

Not getting accepted to the Assistant d’anglais program was a pivotal moment in my life. How pivotal?

It’s possible that if I had simply included passport photos with my application, my daughter would not exist. A strange thought, but who’s to say for sure? Our professors assured us that everyone gets accepted, but what none of us understand was that there were too many people, and not enough openings. Someone was going home disappointed, and I was one of them.

Do I regret not getting picked? For years I did, and I think some small part of me always will. I enjoyed learning French, and although I can follow French podcasts fairly easily, I know that I will always lack the finer idioms and slang and natural speech that only comes from living in-country for an extended period of time. Me listening to Europe 1’s Libre Antenne is my attempt to justify all the time I spent studying French. It can’t all be a waste, can it?

On the other hand, there were the people. When I panicked and applied to grad school afterwards (asking one of my profs for a big favor), the lecturer I mentioned earlier tried to torpedo my application. A pathological liar, he referred to himself as a “faculty member” and a “Professor of French”, and I love the plausible deniability “Professor of French” gives you. Lecturers who only hold a Master’s degree are not professors, even in the longest stretch of the word, but referring to yourself as a “Professor of French” rather than a “French Professor” gives you just enough plausible deniability so that if someone calls you out on your bullshit, you can claim that you weren’t committing professional fraud, you meant professor in the sense of teacher, and that you taught French.

As I consider reenlisting for another tour, I’ve thought about what might’ve happened if I’d gone to France. Maybe my French would have hit that C1 level, and maybe I’d be on the tenure-track today, living the life of the mind. Maybe.

Or maybe I’d have to refer to myself as a “Professor of French”.

In the meantime, I’ll listen to Libre Antenne and keep my tools sharp. Why? Because of what I know.

I know I’m doing twenty years in the Navy in the same way that I “knew” I was going to France after graduation. In the same way the people kicked out by the Enlisted Review Board knew they’d get a pension after twenty.

When you get down to it, you don’t know a fucking thing.

Never Heard of It

Today is my birthday, and last night my division had a farewell dinner for someone who’s going to Forecaster School. Nobody wants to hang out with their co-workers outside of work. For me it’s right at the bottom alongside Mandatory Fun with things I want to spend my limited free time doing.

And I mean limited free time. One can be forgiven for thinking that shore duty means you have more time to yourself and what you want to do, but our schedule nixes that idea. Right now we work six days in a row, off three days, on three nights, and off three more days before the cycle starts anew. We went from twelve hour days to six, but the trade-off is that we are there more days a month, and if there is something going on that requires all hands (uniform inspection, for instance), then that’s another day you won’t have. Combine that with any collateral duties (extra duties you aren’t compensated for) that take place on your off-days, the extra work and less manpower, and it’s no wonder some people are dropping chits to return to sea duty six months early.

The dinners themselves can be awkward affairs. Sometimes it depends on the choice of venue. In the Navy, we call the dinner a Hail and Farewell: you hail the new people aboard and say farewell to the people who are leaving. The trouble starts when not everyone shows up — the first three I went two, one guy just didn’t come — and it gets no better when you’re sitting around the table, wishing you were elsewhere. Nothing to talk about except work.

I’ve been to four so far in San Diego, and I’m happy to report this is the least awkward division I’ve ever worked with. For instance, we actually talk to each other. Isn’t it great how sometimes the smallest things can make the biggest difference?

Last night I skipped beer and stuck with water, and I ended up chatting with my co-worker’s son, who is 12.

Co-Worker’s Son: Do you like to play any online games?

Me: Not in a long time. When I was your age, I played this game called Starcraft.

Co-Worker’s Son: Never heard of it.

Oh man. I can’t think of a more appropriate way to ring in my 32nd birthday.

One benefit of joining the Navy: working with kids fresh out of high school means I have to stop bullshitting myself about my youth.

How (not) to Prepare for Your Advancement Exam

To advance from E3 to E6 in the Navy, you have to take the Advancement Exam.

For some, this is more of a chore than others. I’ve been lucky to be an AG (Aerographer’s Mate) with near 100% advancement the past few cycles. That’s how I made E4 and E5 despite my P (for Potential, among other things) evals.

Other rates?

When I tested for E5, I had the fortune of doing it on the ship. While we waited for our tests, I overheard people from other rates talking.

“Yeah this is my fifth time.”

“Will I get in trouble for Christmas-treeing it? There’s no way I’m making it.”

And when some rates have a 1% or even 0% advancement rate, you realize how damn lucky you are to be an AG. “Choose your rate, choose your fate”, and when you’re at the MEPS station, understand that you’re rolling the dice with your future.

“Nothing good lasts forever”, and perhaps in the Navy you could change that to “Nothing good lasts very long, assuming it isn’t miscarried”. The advancement rates have been dropping the past few cycles. E6 was 100% a couple cycles ago.

Last cycle it was 55

To prepare for the E6 test, I decided to focus on areas that we don’t normally do where I’m stationed. For a test aimed at weather forecasters, there is surprisingly little forecasting. Instead there’s oceanography, tactical decision aids and admin questions.

A few nights before, I decided to draft a dump sheet. On it I intended to write down all the information that wouldn’t come to me naturally.

Here it is:



I began with Instruction Numbers:


I chose the top METOC instructions and for general Navy instructions, I took a risk and picked the ones I thought were more important.

Next I picked Icing and Turbulence TAF code:


A TAF is a Terminal Aerodrome Forecast, written in code and used air stations all over the world. I can read TAFs pretty well, but on my previous tests there were questions about turbulence and icing. I felt better having a reminder.

Icing Temperatures:


The temperatures at which you find each kind of icing. Pretty self-explanatory.

Turbulence Criteria:


I’m not sure if this is the same as the civilian world. The numbers to the right are the change in wind speed (knots) per 1000 feet.



Here we get into electromagnetic propagation. Without making this sound like a training manual, N-Units measures the bend of EM energy and M-Units measures the bend of EM energy in a duct. They are opposites, so if you know one you know the other. Previous tests had questions on both.



The change in sound speed for Temperature, Salinity and Pressure.

Refractivity Changes:


Temperature and refractivity have an indirect relationship. The others, a direct relationship.

Sound Speed Profile:


The classic behavior of sound in water. It has different parts (Sonic Layer depth for max near surface speed) and I made sure to jot down Convergence Zone too.

Surf Observation:


I’ve had questions about this on previous tests. I have never taken a surf observation, where you observe the waves that crash onto the beach and write down height, type, etc. It’s gotten me on my last exams.

I won’t get me this time.


Okay, so…did my dump sheet help?


The test was heavily slanted towards oceanography and TDAs, which I expected. It was also mostly admin, with questions about different commands, their purpose.

I was not a difficult test, in the way you might think. What made it hard was that I felt like I overprepared for the wrong material; that if I’d studied the types of commands and odd admin trivia (do you know what the Marine Corps MOS is for their weather forecasters? I wish I did) then I’d have E6 in the bag, P (for Potential, among other things) eval be damned.

So that’s it. I still think the dump sheet is a good idea, though next time I’ll focus more on admin.

March 2017 is only six months away…