Sea Age (from a work-in-progress)

On the way home, William thought about aging.

William had seen the effects of the Navy. You had a shore age and a sea age, and your age at sea could affect your shore age. For example, a former AG, Tindale, had joined the Navy at nineteen. Four years later, he left at twenty-three, only he looked closer to forty-three. Life as a ship’s company AG — duty days, maintenance, cranking in the mess decks twice — had made him skip a few grades in the primary school of life. Now he was in college, older, wiser, haggard . . . and not without a huge drinking problem, undisputed master of the beer funnel.

Your shore age is twenty-nine. Which made his sea age . . . he thought about it. One did not simply add a number to get one’s sea age.

William parked in his driveway and looked in the rearview mirror. Adding a number didn’t cut it. You had to look in the mirror too. The changes to your face helped determine the number; they didn’t lie.

“I’d say about fifty,” he said to the face in the mirror.

The lines on that face agreed.


Other samples from Keepers of Time:

Bloody Marys

Bloody Marys (from a work-in-progress)

William and Lisa are having afternoon Bloody Marys, at a beachfront bar in Virginia Beach.

“I’d say that’s about right.” William drank his Bloody Mary. “You’re wrong, you know.”

“About what?”

“The chaser.” He pushed the Sprite to her. “You can have it.”

“I don’t drink carbonated beverages.”

“How come?”


“But you drink alcohol.”


“You know, other people might find that a bit weird.”

“Other people can go fuck themselves in traffic.”

“Wow. Didn’t know you had such hatred towards other people.”

“Other people move through time like slugs, unaware of what’s passed until it is well gone. Have you ever been to a nursing home, William?”

He shook his head.

“I worked in one, some time ago, and you could see it on their faces. Eighty years on this world, a regret for every second. Most people’s deaths are a sham. There’s nothing left to die.”

“Bukowski. Impressive.”

“I asked a few what they regretted most about their lives. It seemed a reasonable question, and they were happy to oblige. I think I was the only worker who spoke to them like they were people, rather than dogs.”

“What’d they say?”

“I’ll tell you what they did not say. Not one of them regretted not buying a Lexus, not one of them regretted not getting a promotion at work or not putting in longer hours for more money and recognition. Time treats all of us poorly, but that does not mean we have to treat ourselves poorly too. Do you understand?”

William did. He’d never heard it put like that before. He finished his Bloody Mary, quickly. The way she mixed it was worth way more than a dollar.

“Hey,” he said. “Ready for the beach?”