>Concentrated English In A Can

>As you enter Building 7 at the New Campus and turn right, you see a mural that reads:

“Concentrated Oral English Training Centre”

Concentrated. Like in a can.

Or a ghetto.

The Chinese teachers asked the foreign teachers to come up with a name to replace ‘Concentration Camp’.

Yes, they asked us to do this. They, English teachers, who did not know how offensive Concentration Camp is, had to ask us to come up with a better name.

It’s not like it’s difficult. Intensive English Classes? Oral English? Or my suggestion: Fluent, Easy English (FEE)?

Nope. They said my suggestion was “too common”.

So they opted for Chinglish. Which is everywhere here.

Then again, the absurdity of the name does match the absurdity of this program. So I guess it all just fits together, doesn’t it?